USAF Air Commando/Special Operation Forces
40th Anniversary
In 1961 while I was stationed at Eglin AFB, FL with the 3208th Test Group we noticed strange aircrews on base occasionally wearing fatigues, and bloused boots. This unusual uniform at the time raised an inquisitive eyebrow. There were rumors about a new secret outfit at Hurlburt which was flying WWII aircraft and doing unusual things. The radar people in the test group would occasionally make comments about some of their strange flying habits. They were the talk of the Eglin community trying to figure what this unit was up to-part of a joint force for an invasion of Cuba or what? Later that year I was invited to join the group but still didn’t know what their mission was. After answering yes to six top secret questions I was put on a three hour alert and then sent to Lackland AFB, TX for two days of psychological and psychiatric testing. After they eliminated a large group of those who had trouble giving the right answers to psychologists, psychiatrist and the famous old Rhouchard ink blot test the remaining group was whisked off to Stead AFB, NV for survival training in three feet of snow. After more strange questions and getting jerked around at survival school by a special intelligence group and nearly freezing to death they eliminated another group and sent us back to our bases to remain on three hour alert.
The year 2001 marks the 40 anniversary of these brave souls that volunteered for an unusual highly classified organization which grew from Jungle Jim, to the Air Commandos and presently to the Special Operations force. It has been an exciting 40 years with some of our brave souls departed from us either in combat or through natural attrition. Most of us can remember our fellow warriors who were with us one day in Vietnam and the next day died a horrible death in the jungle of Vietnam. The original group was to be commended for being a brave bunch that volunteered for things that they did not fully understand but the lure of combat, excitement, travel and doing something for their country drew them to say yes to some real testy and unusual top secret questions which primarily centered around “would you agree to go to a foreign country and if you got caught the US Government might deny your existence.” We owe the original group a “thank you” for volunteering and creating such an exciting organization.
A short history of the first year of operation of Jungle Jim/Air Commandos from AFSOC historical files is as follows:
14 April 1961
When the need for Air commando force became apparent, the air Force designated and organized the 4400th Combat Crew Training Squadron(CCTS) at Hurlburt Field, otherwise known as Eglin AFB Auxiliary Field Number 9. The Air Force authorized the squadron of 124 officer and 228 enlisted personnel and manned it entirely with volunteers. Headquarter Tactical Air Command assigned the 4400th CCTS to Ninth Air Force.
27 April 1961
The final operational concept for the 4400th CCTS, nicknamed Jungle Jim, authorized a force of 16 C-47, eight B-26 and eight T-28 aircraft plus the same number in temporary storage. The C-47s were configured for cargo drops, the B-26s included the two place model to facilitate transition training; and the T-28s were modified to carry .50 caliber machine guns, 2.75 rockets, a small quantity of bombs, and armor plating. The concept called for all aircraft to operate from minimal condition, tactical airstrips and C-47s and T-28s from sod runways. The Jungle Jim mission, organization, and equipment closely paralledled WWII counterparts, the 5318th Provisional Air Unit and the 1st Air Commando Group. The new squadron mission involved individual and unit training and potential combat-strike, reconnaissance, and airlift.
1 May 1961
Colonel Benjamin H. King assumed command of the 4400th CCTs.
5 May 1961
The first aircraft assigned to Jungle Jim, a T-28A, arrived at Hurlburt Field. The full complement of aircraft arrived before 1 July.
15 August 1961
At 0800, only four months after activation, the 4400th CCTS deployed Detachment #1 under the command of Captain Thomas C. McEwen, Jr., to Mali, West Africa under the code name “Sandy Beach 1.” This was the first of numerous overseas deployments.
23 August 1961
The 4400th CCTS was reassigned from the jurisdiction of 9th AF to that of Headquarters TAC.
29 August 1961
Detachment #1 in two SC-47 arrived at Bamako Airfield Mali in the worst storm of the year and the worst fying experience of Det pilots to begin their mission-training Mali Paratroopers.
September 1961
Just five months after its inception, the 4400th CCTS successfully passed an Operational Readiness Inspection.
2 September 1961
Mali paratrooper training began with 55 jumpers on the first operational day. While at Bamako, Det 1 shared the airfield with Russian and Czechoslovakian aircraft. Sandy Beach personnel also provided a static display and airdrop demonstration for President Modibo Keita of Mali.
1 November 1961
Det 1 completed its mission to Mali and departed for home.
6 November 1961
Headquarters Pacific Air Force Operations Plan #222-61called the 4400th CCTS to send a detachment to Bien Hoa, South Vietnam to train the Vietnamese Air Force in offensive operations using tactics and techniques developed by the 4400th CCTS. Colonel King organized and commanded Detachment #2, code named “Farmgate,” consisting of 41 officers and 115 airmen on a 179 day temporary duty assigment. They were to have four RB-26, four SC-47, and eight T-28 aircraft at Bien Hoa. The detachment ferried the C-47s from Hurlburt Field; Military Air Transport Service airlifted the T-28s and 140 people; and detachment personnel picked up the B-26s from storage in Okinawa for modification in Taiwan before delivery to Vietnam. In addition to training VNAF, Det 2 would also operate and air control facility for all USAF activities in Southeast Asia not assigned to the Military Assistance Advisory Group.
25 November 1961
Detachment #1 arrived Hurlburt Field from Mali to find Det 2 deployed to Vietnam. Thus early in modern Air Commando history, “Any Time, Any Place,” became a way of life for this unique force. From that time forward there would seldom be a time when the entire command would be at home at the same time. Deployment and TDYs would take them constantly throughout the continental US and around the world.
21 December 1961
Colonel King returned to Hurlburt Field from Bien Hoa, South Vietnam to resume his 4400th CCTS command duties. Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Gleason succeeded Colonel King in command of Det 2.
It took about ten years to get the list of the original Jungle Jim group and the names of the people who participated in the 1961 deployments. Bob Gleason, Don Maxwell, Jim “Chili” Wills helped me in putting these list together . Just recently AFMPC/AFPC told me that the original Jungle Jim personnel listing was still classified and they couldn’t give me any names. The enlisted group is not complete and I need your help to complete it. I also need help in making a list of the original Det 3 which went to Panama.. Any help will be appreciated. If you have your name misspelled please let me know and if your name isn’t on the list please send me a copy of your orders assigning you to the original group. I can be reached at 909-930-5700 or e-mail aircommando1@easrthlink.net.
These are the warriors who volunteeredfirst:
The Warriors who came first.
Original Air Commando Officer Air Crew
Special Orders P-10 dtd 3 August 1961 and P-11 dtd 4 August 1961
Col Benajamin H. King
Lt Col Robert L. Gleason
Lt Col Chester A. Jack
Maj Richard W. Broughton
Maj John L. Downing
Maj Homa B. Stillwell
Capt Thomas L. Biggers
Capt Herbert W. Booth Jr
Capt George F. Brennan Jr
Capt Harry J. Brown
Capt Jack H. Capers
Capt Homer J. Carlile
Capt John D. Carrington
Capt Billy J. Chancellor
Capt Fred C. Clow Jr
Capt John S. connors
Capt William R. Davis
Capt Siegel M. Dickman
Capt Paul G. Donner
Capt William E. Dougherty
Capt Marvin A. Fitts
Capt Donald L. Gephart
Capt Leroy E. Gliem
Capt Daniel F. Grob
Capt Gerald S. Hammer
Capt James M. Harris
Capt David E. Henry
Capt Keith H. Hill
Capt Henry L. Karnes Jr
Capt Ira L. Kimes Jr
Capt George R. Kirby
Capt James A. Kostan
Capt Robert A. Lamberton Jr
Capt Jean D. Landry
Capt Richard F. Legeza
Capt Jesse E. Lewis Jr
Capt Arthur G. Limpantsis
Capt Lawrence L. Lively
Capt Thomas C. McEwen
Capt Jophn R. McGavin
Capt Loris R. Miller
Capt Herman S. Moore
Capt David L. Murphy
Capt Aaron L. Niles Jr
Capt Franklin G. Owens
Capt John R. Pattee
Capt Ruben H. Patterson
Capt John L. Piotrowski
Capt Arthur W. Pittman
Capt Richard J. Rice
Capt Earl D. Richards
Capt John M. Rowan
Capt Richard W. Sanborn
Capt Martin G. Saunders
Capt Paul E. Shepard
Capt Richard N. Smith
Capt Henry B. Steidel
Capt Irwin C. Swett
Capt Thomas H. Temple Jr
Capt Gerald F. Tewes
Capt Arnold A. Tillman
Capt Eugene J. Waldvogel
Capt Luther A. Webb
Capt William R. Williamson
1st Lt Edward J. Ahern
1st Lt John R. Albrecht
1st Lt John W. Briggs
1st Lt Charles R. Carroll
1st Lt Thomas G. Carter
1st Lt William G. Castlen
1st Lt Joseph J. Conde Jr
1st Lt Robert F. Davis
1st Lt Roger S. Edwards
1st Lt Loyd L. Ennis
1st Lt Randall W. Everett III
1st Lt Charles W. Fisher
1st Lt Maurice S. Gaston
1st Lt Charles R. Harper
1st Lt James L. Harper
1st Lt Walter K. Hennigan
1st Lt John A. Hope
1st Lt Clyde L Howard Jr
1st Lt Dudley J. Hughes
1st Lt Andrew T. Jessup
1st Lt Edward K. Kissam Jr
1st LtRobert L. Leschack
1st Lt Jack D. Letourneau
1st Lt John H. Livesay
1st Lt Roy I. Lewis
1st LtRobert F. Maheu
1st Lt Clyde E. Martinez
1st Lt Richard A. Mathison
1st Lt Donald J. Maxwell
1st Lt John D. Mitchell Jr
1st Lt Jim A. Moore
1st Lt Ralph M. Naddeo
1st Lt Ronald G. Phillips
1st Lt Dexter F. Potter
1st Lt Bobby K. Reynolds
1st Lt Richard A. Russell
1st Lt Carmen T. Scarpino
1st Lt Paul E. Schueller
1st Lt Glyndon V. Scott
1st Lt Willie L. Seirer
1st Lt Ronald L. Selberg
1st Lt Richard G. Semple
1st Lt John P. Slauson
1st Lt Richard C. Tegge
1st Lt Lorenz J. Walker
1st Lt Hillard J. Wallace
1st Lt Thomas R. White
1st Lt Paul R. Windle
Ground Officers
Capt Robert L. Block
Capt Lemuel R. Egleston
Capt Joseph M. Threadgill
Capt Warren V. Trent
Capt Anthony G. Scarpace
Original EM Cadre for Jungle Jim 1961(Partial List-- need names & Orders to complete this list)
SMsgt Charles Lokotos
MSgt Rolland W. Geisler
MSgt George D. McNamara
MSgt Charles I. Jones
TSgt Dan Fletcher Jr
TSgt Floyd M. Frazier
TSgt Leroy Z. Zoll
TSgt Jack E. Kelso
CMSgt Charlie H. Saunters
SMSgt William R. Atkins
TSgt Clarence L. Propst
SSgt Elzic B. Splawn
SSgt Jackie E. Watkins
A1C Billy J. Roberson
A1C Burton C. Berrettini
A1C Phillip C. Hinds
A1C Billy W. Teeters
A2C Curtis H. Jones
A2c Robert S. Pickron
TSgt Mack Swann
SSgt William T. Stroup
SSgt Eugene F. Crook
A2C James C. Cox
TSgt Frank Ramsey
A1C Merle J. Christy
A1C Harold A. Manning
A2C Robert L. Pace
A1C Robert D. Henderson
A2C Rodney J. Haynes
TSgt Charles A. Lichauer
SSgt Lamar Sims
SSgt Gregory J. Hogan
A1C Wayne D. Spencer
A1C Richard N. Norrell
SSgt James Z. Coates Jr
TSgt Robert L. Smith
SSgt Edward M. Bowling
A1C James R. Gillis
TSgt Dennis Premaux Jr
SSgt George Baker Jr
SSgt Earnest L. Ballard
SSgt Eric M. Cantwell
A1C Arnold C. Winkler
A1C Max W. Wilcox
A1C Howard D. Gardner
A1C Cullen M. Turner
A1C Allen R. Twigger
A1C Jack Reeves
1st Lt Joseph J. Conde Jr
A1C Richard L Fluery
A1C Robert G. Nelson
A2C Floyd A. Dunn
A2C Gordon S. Squires
SSgt Dan W. Wall
A1C Charles W. Ussery
A1C Willie L. Brown
TSgt Earnest C Haws
TSgt Ronald D. Holverstott
SSgt Obie J. Hill
A1C Billie J. Coinell
A1C Richard B. Beck
MSgt John R. Barrineau
SSgt Benjamin F. Barrow
SSgt John W. Gartner
SSgt Robert J. Curran Jr
SSgt Don P. Richens
SSgt Clifford H. Larimer
SSgt Joseph S. Lewandowski
SSgt James R. Wagoner
SSgt Harold R. Mariner
SSgt James Gary
SSgt William T. Reeder
A1C Joe D. Griffin
A1C Erwin K. Bullard
A1C Robert L. Westfall
A1C Jean P. Nadeau
A1C Francisco M. Gregg
A1C Josephus Johnson Jr
A2C Robert J. Holowell Jr
A2C Peder M. Pedersen
A2C Richard F. Sassaman
A2C Jimmy M. Phillis
A2C James C. Gentry
A3C Dennis R. Macomber
A1C James D. Nichols
A1C John Balmer
A1C George G. Monfette
A1C Charles W. Avery
A2C William B. Gayheart
A2C Gerald K. Satterwhite
A1C Joe M. Hillhouse
A2C David S. Bell
A2C Albert O Del George
A2C Glen Ficking
TSgt James J. Meyers
TSgt Norman W. Ralch
TSgt Anthony J. Johnson
TSgt Chester S. Emelita
TSgt Gustav Eliason
SSgt Henry G. Bianchi Jr
SSgt Allen Ewing
SSgt Jeptha T. Coburn
SSgt Gordon D. Hylkand
A1C Herbert R. Lucas
A2C Milton Stuckmeyer
Jungle Jim's(Air Commando) Detachment 1(Code named Sandy Beach) to Mali Africa
Special Order T-107 dtd 9 august 1961
Capt Thomas C. McEwen Jr
Capt Eugene J. Waldvogel
1st Lt Ronald G. Phillips
1st Lt Donald J. Maxwell
1st Lt Lorenz J. Walker
1st Maurice S. Gaston
1st Lt Carmen T. Scarpino
TSgt Norman W. Ralch
TSgt Anthony J. Johnson
TSgt Chester S. Emelita
TSgt Gustav Eliason
SSgt Henry G. Bianchi Jr
SSgt Allen Ewing
SSgt Jeptha T. Coburn
SSgt Gordon D. Hylkand
A1C Herbert R. Lucas
A2C Milton Stuckmeyer
They were crewed as follows:
Waldvogel, P
Phillips, CP
Maxwell, N
TSgt Johnson, FE
Walker, P
Gaston, CP
Scarpino, N
TSgt Emelita, FE
Even, LM
Jungle Jim(4400 CCTS/Air Commando) Detachment 2(Code Named Farmgate) Bien Hoa AB, South Vietnam
Special Order T-415 dtd 2 November 1961
Col Benajamin H. King
Capt Warren V. Trent
A1C Billy J. Roberson
A1C Burton C. Berrettini
Maj Homa B. Sillwell
CMSgt Charlie H. Saunters
SMSgt William R. Atkins
TSgt Clarence L. Propst
SSgt Elzic B. Splawn
SSgt Jackie E. Watkins
A1C Phillip C. Hinds
A1C Billy W. Teeters
A2C Curtis H. Jones
A2c Robert S. Pickron
TSgt Mack Swann
SSgt William T. Stroup
SSgt Eugene F. Crook
A2C James C. Cox
TSgt Frank Ramsey
A1C Merle J. Christy
A1C Harold A. Manning
A2C Robert L. Pace
A1C Robert D. Henderson
A2C Rodney J. Haynes
TSgt Charles A. Lichauer
SSgt Lamar Sims
SSgt Gregory J. Hogan
A1C Wayne D. Spencer
A1C Richard N. Norrell
SSgt James Z. Coates Jr
TSgt Robert L. Smith
SSgt Edward M. Bowling
A1C James R. Gillis
TSgt Dennis Premaux Jr
SSgt George Baker Jr
SSgt Earnest L. Ballard
SSgt Eric M. Cantwell
A1C Arnold C. Winkler
A1C Max W. Wilcox
A1C Howard D. Gardner
A1C Cullen M. Turner
A1C Allen R. Twigger
A1C Jack Reeves
1st Lt Joseph J. Conde Jr
A1C Richard L Fluery
A1C Robert G. Nelson
A2C Floyd A. Dunn
A2C Gordon S. Squires
SSgt Dan W. Wall
A1C Charles W. Ussery
A1C Willie L. Brown
TSgt Earnest C Haws
TSgt Ronald D. Holverstott
SSgt Obie J. Hill
A1C Billie J. Coinell
A1C Richard B. Beck
MSgt John R. Barrineau
SSgt Benjamin F. Barrow
SSgt John W. Gartner
A1C John Balmer
A1C George G. Monfette
Capt Anthony G. Scarpace
A1C Charles W. Avery
A2C William B. Gayheart
A2C Gerald K. Satterwhite
A1C Joe M. Hillhouse
A2C David S. Bell
A2C Albert O Del George
A2C Glen Ficking
1st Lt Loyd L. Ennis
1st Lt John A. Hope
TSgt James J. Meyers
Special Order T-414 Dtd 2 November 1961
LtC Robert L. gleason
Maj Siegel M. Dickman
Maj John L. Downing
Capt Thomas L. Biggers
Capt Robert L. Block
Capt Arnold A. Tillman
Capt Jesse E. Lewis Jr
Capt Franklin G. Owens
Capt Richard C. Tegge
Capt Edward K. Kissam
Capt Charles W. Fisher
Capt Earl D. Richards
Capt. Lawrence L. Livey
Capt William E. Dougherty
Capt John M. Rowan
Capt John R. Pattee
Capt Ira L. Kimes Jr
Capt Martin G. Saunders
Capt Arthur G. Limpantsis
Capt Lemuel R. Egleston Jr
Capt Jerry D. Stout
Capt Loris R. Miller
Capt Paul G. Donner
Capt John D. Carrington
Capt Richard A. Russell
Capt Joseph M. Threadgill
Capt Walter K. Hennigan
Capt William R. Davis
Capt Homer J. Carlile
1stLt Ralph M. Naddeo
1stLt Bobby K. Reynolds
1stLt Ronald L. Selberg
1stLt Robert F. Maheu
1srLt Stanley G. Hartson
1stLt Jack D. Le Tourneau
SMsgt Charles Lokotos
MSgt Rolland W. Geisler
MSgt George D. McNamara
MSgt Charles I. Jones
TSgt Dan Fletcher Jr
TSgt Floyd M. Frazier
TSgt Leroy Z. Zoll
TSgt Jack E. Kelso
SSgt Robert J. Curran Jr
SSgt Don P. Richens
SSgt Clifford H. Larimer
SSgt Joseph S. Lewandowski
SSgt James R. Wagoner
SSgt Harold R. Mariner
SSgt James Gary
SSgt William T. Reeder
A1C Joe D. Griffin
A1C Erwin K. Bullard
A1C Robert L. Westfall
A1C Jean P. Nadeau
A1C Francisco M. Gregg
A1C Josephus Johnson Jr
A2C Robert J. Holowell Jr
A2C Peder M. Pedersen
A2C Richard F. Sassaman
A2C Jimmy M. Phillis
A2C James C. Gentry
A3C Dennis R. Macomber
A1C James D. Nichols
If your name isn’t listed and you were in Jungle Jim before November 1961 please an e-mail to me at aircommando1@earthlink.net and include your scanned orders and if you don’t have a scanner send me a copy of the orders. This is how all the other names were included in the list. I have orders for each person shown and to be added you will need a copy of your orders.
Eugene D. Rossel