In the early 1970s the Air Force redesignated all armed T-28s as AT-28 with the model numbers retained. Models other than the ones above did not have official status with the Navy or Air Force.
"Photograph copyright (c) 1999 Nick Challoner, all rights reserved."
This is a photo of a restored Fennec taken by Nick Challoner in the UK and used with his permission.
A note should be made about the aircraft name in U.S. service. Officially, early T-28s were Trojans while armed versions were the Nomad. I didn't even know this until several years after retiring. Most pilots simply called it a T-28, a very few the Trojan.
Today, the T-28 is gone from military service. The best chance to see one is to attend an airshow as several hundred people have restored them, usually with a paint job that was seldom, if ever, used.
This aircraft is on display at Randolph AFB, TX. It was taken in June 2000 just before the big rainstorm that swept central Texas.
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